Medical Professional Mental Wellness
We appreciate and honor the hard work medical professionals do each day to keep our community safe and healthy. The occupational stressors faced by physicians, nurses and other medical professionals mean that they, themselves need specialized care at times. At Monarch Behavioral Health, we have specialized programming and treatment plans to support the mental health needs of these front-line workers. We offer confidential, individual counseling and assessment services both in person and via telehealth, with daytime and evening appointments available. We utilize skill-based, empirically supported techniques, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), to provide physicians with tools to combat burnout, find meaning in their work, build resiliency, and improve relationships and sleep. In addition to individual services, we also facilitate support groups and provide debriefing after trauma. Addressing these mental health needs lightens the burdens and stressors of this incredibly important work, so that medical professionals can lead balanced lives.
Individual Services
- Evidence-based, Individualized counseling
- Trauma informed approach
- In-person or telehealth
- Daytime and evening appointments available
Support Groups
- Trauma debriefing
- Trainee support groups
- Mental Wellness for Physicians
- Mental Wellness for Nurses
Professional Training & Workshops
Medical professionals in training must learn to manage their mental health needs as they move into the medical field. To address the needs of physicians in training, we provide targeted physician wellness workshops that are offered to medical students, residency or fellowship programs as individual lectures, a series of lectures, or as part of a larger wellness event/retreat. We are happy to collaborate with you on the unique needs of your program(s) to tailor our services to optimize the health and well-being of your physicians.
We offer wellness-focused lectures and workshops as a series of 1 hour sessions, 3 hour blocks (for half-day didactics or as part of a wellness retreat), or as individual, stand-alone sessions. Topics include:
- Building Resilience with Personal Wellness Plans
- Combating Negative Thinking (CBT Basics)
- Mindfulness in Medicine
- Managing Fatigue/Healthy Sleep Practices
- Suicide Awareness and Prevention
- Substance Use and Abuse
- Maintaining Healthy Relationships